
To St. Boniface

“Who has called us out of darkness into His own wonderful Light” (1 Peter 2:9)

Mass Times

Whether you are a newcomer, a visitor, or a long-time parishioner, we warmly welcome you to join us for Mass. Feel free to attend any of our Masses and be sure to greet us when you do!

*Indicates Masses en Español

Weekday Masses

Tuesday | 8:00am (Adoration Chapel)

Wednesday | 6:00pm*

Thursday   8:00am (Adoration Chapel)

Friday | 8:00am (Adoration Chapel)

Weekend Masses

Saturday | 4:00pm

Sunday | 8:00am*, 10:00am, 1:00pm*

Holy Days

As Announced


Available 7 days a week, the Adoration Chapel is located on the west end of the church office.


Wednesday | 5:00pm

Saturday | 3:00pm

Other | By Appointment

Our Mission

The Mission of Saint Boniface Parish is to grow as Saints through our commitment to our Baptismal promises to serve others, share the Gospel, and pray for each other. 

Upcoming Events

Prayer Group

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We Need Ushers

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Youth Group

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Prayer Group

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We Need Ushers

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Youth Group

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Check out our Calendar to see more events!

Donate to St. Boniface

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